Thursday 30 August 2012

The Ron Paul Revolution Continues: “We are the Future !”

Tampa, 26 August 2012 – Last Sunday, a day ahead of the now postponed Republican National Convention (RNC), Ron Paul hosted his sensational “We are the Future” rally. Amassing a crowd of 8000, the retiring congressman delivered an electrifying speech at the USF Sun Dome.

Normally political rallies are all about repeating the same old party line, recitation of cliché terms and the making of false promises like Obama’s “Hope and Change”. There is little substance but loads of rhetoric foisted upon a gullible audience. Pitch phrases arouse the crowd and deafening cheers are heard. Talking points are made, invectives are levied upon the opposition; the crowd yells even louder and before you know it everyone is drowning in a pool of ignorance.

However, Ron Paul’s “We are the Future” rally was everything but conventional. Instead of the usual stuff, he engaged the audience with intellect and promoted his ideas of individual liberty and freedom on the basis of logic and argument. 

For anyone who is looking for sound policies and an effective plan to restore America’s “Peace, Prosperity and Liberty”, his speech is a must watch.

Ron Paul’s Full Speech: “We are the Future !”

The 8 minute introductory speech was given by Kentucky senator  Rand Paul. After a solemn expression of gratitude towards his father “for supporting the cause of liberty and not letting our founding principles die” the senator got the whole crowd fired up by asking:

Is there anybody here who wants to abolish the TSA ?

The question was immediately responded with a zealous uproar, the auditorium was obviously teeming with young and energetic individuals.

Once the congressman took center stage, it didn’t take long for the crowd to start chanting buzz words like “President Paul...President Paul...President Paul”.

For many decades Ron Paul has been America’s leading voice for liberty, for ending America’s military adventures abroad, for free markets and free trade, auditing and ending the Federal Reserve, a return to the gold standard and sound money, repealing Roe vs Wade and above all for defending the constitution and the golden principles of the founding fathers. 

Instead of libeling against Mitt Romney & current president Barrack Obama, Mr. Paul firmly focused on the war of ideas. Throughout his address he quoted the founding fathers, free market economists and key libertarian philosophers building his case for small constitutionally limited government. Immediately diving into key issues of individual liberty and personal freedoms, his stance on a peaceful foreign policy and ending the Fed drew the most applause.

In a brisk walkthrough of 20th century history he outlined the emergence of Keynesianism, the Federal Reserve System, Communism, Fascism and a number of BIG government ideologies. He categorized these philosophies as “bad ideas” which have lead to so much death and destruction while making references to all the wars and the loss of millions of lives. The congressman not only exclaimed the inefficacy of these theories  but also recognized the necessity of trying something novel.

During the speech, the retiring congressman re-iterated:

My personal goal with politics and my personal life is that a free society provides me an opportunity to seek virtue and excellence. And that should be a personal goal. If the government takes over the rule of trying to make you a better person, an excellent person and make you virtuous, it’s all over. That is the seeds of authoritarianism.

Since this event marks the official end of the Ron Paul campaign many people have construed it as the end of the libertarian revolution. He scoffed at this thought by saying:

Don’t they just wish ?

Optimistic that libertarianism has a prosperous future, Ron Paul told assured his supporters that liberty is an idea whose time has come and in time it will be a force to be reckoned with.

So instead of seeing this as a continuation of the era of the 20th century that gave us so much death and destruction and undermining our liberties, and conditions today that are so dangerous, let us think that we are now moving into a new era. A new era where we’re going to concentrate on liberty and freedom and property and peace. I believe that is the cause that we should lead and I thank you very much for being a part of it.

Friday 3 August 2012

Agha Waqar Khan’s Water kit Car: Fraud or Reality?

Just when the countries problems couldn’t be any worse, Hamid Mir along with a dubious engineer named Agha Waqar Khan descend as angels to proclaim the good news that all of Pakistan’s energy and fuel crises have been solved.

The media’s hype surrounding Waqar’s invention of a HHO water kit and the prospect of water-fueled cars in Pakistan is its latest attempt at minting money via dream selling and drugging an already dysfunctional and delusional nation.

Hamid Mir and Agha Waqar demonstrate the operation of the water kit car

A recent blog on ET exclaimed the irresponsibility of the media in reporting this event, however the author completely ignored the objectionable science being proclaimed by Waqar and his associates; and the long history of fraudulent claims regarding the use of water as a fuel for automobiles.

In 1980, Stanley Meyer claimed to have built water fuelled a dune buggy. He refused to give up his car for scientific inspection; later in 1996 after an investment scam, an Ohio court charged him $25000 and found him guilty of “gross and egregious fraud.”

In 2002, Genesis World Energy (GWE) also claimed a market ready water fuel device for powering automobiles. After laundering $2.5 million from private investors, the owner of the company, Patrick Kelly was sentenced to five years in prison and ordered to pay $400,000 in compensation.

Later in 2008, Sri Lankan media hailed an inventor Thushara Priyamal Edirisinghe who claimed to have driven a water fuelled car 300 kilometers in just 3 liters of water. Thushara even demonstrated his findings to the Sri Lankan government which pledged full financial support in commercializing his technology. Months later, Thushara was arrested on suspicions of investment fraud.

In the same year, Formosa Plastics sued Filipino inventor Daniel Dingel for yet another water fuel scam. Daniel had claimed  to have developed water fuel technology since 1969 and in 2000 the inventor struck gold by entering into a partnership with Formosa Plastics to further research and develop his technology. After a successful lawsuit, the 82 year old Daniel was finally sentenced to 20 years in prison for defrauding the company.

Can anyone spot the pattern in this series? Guess what comes next

Now our very own Agha Waqar Khan has also claimed to have invented an electrolysis water kit with many of the same attributes as the devices listed above.

I am only glad that we are all living in Pakistan; the law lacks force, no one is arrested and imprisoned and case hearings extend well beyond the life of the accused. Therefore, I believe that Pervez Hoodbhoy  has nothing to fear from his new lawsuit. The only laughable irony here is that who’s the plaintiff and who’s the accused. Unlike all the other countries, in Pakistan the conmen walk free while the scientists end up explaining Thermodynamics in courts.

No one has ever been able to substantially demonstrate that water can be used as a fuel by means of Electrolysis. In fact, all experiments affirm that using an electrolysis cell as an attachment to an internal combustion engine degrades vehicle performance and makes the engine response leaner. 

Simply put, Agha Khan’s water-kit won’t work and here’s why:

Agha Khan’s basic theme is that the car’s 12 V battery will drive an electrolytic cell which will break water molecules into its constituents Hydrogen and Oxygen. The combination of these gasses (HHO) will serve as combustible fuel and the engine will subsequently recharge the battery during its stroke cycles.

In this entire energy circuit, for the battery to not lose power, all of the energy it imparts to the cell must be returned to it by the engine. In other words  all of the energy is isolated in the loop, the car has become a perpetual motion machine and the engine is lossless. This off course is simply IMPOSSIBLE.   

According to aardvark, to maintain  a cruise speed of 65mph (~100kph), the engine needs to produce roughly 20 HP or 15 KW of power. Assuming that the cell has 100 percent efficiency (which it doesn’t), the 15 KW must be supplied entirely by the car’s internal 12 V battery.

To state the obvious, this means that an immense 1250A current will be flowing in the car’s external circuit! – This is sure to melt your wires any second.

It is also a well-known fact that your average IC engine has an efficiency of 30 percent, by itself the engine can only successfully return about 4.5 KW to re-charge the battery. Two thirds or 10 KW of the original power supply will be wasted in the mechanical and heat losses; at this rate the battery is also sure to to die any second. 

Agha Khan’s claim that he’s only using 1 to 2 percent of the batteries power totally contradicts the efficiency dynamics of any automobile engine we know about, it violates the Law of Conservation of Energy and the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics. If his claim is taken to be true then Agha Khan’s engine is doing the impossible task of magically re-supplying the lost energy to the battery.

Either Agha Khan is right and the Laws of Thermodynamics are wrong;

or the laws are right and Agha Khan is wrong.

Even more abysmal is Agha Khan’s amusing request that ONLY distilled water must be used in the electrolytic process.

For electrolysis to work, the electrolyte must contain ions to conduct the electrical charges. Water’s proficiency as a conductor is directly proportional to the presence of impurities; it’s the ions from the salts and minerals that actually carry the charges and for this reason electrolysis is usually performed using salt or tap water.

Distilled water on the other hand has a very low ionization constant, the partial ionization via H and OH ions implies extremely weak conduction. The consequences for the given scenario are that the electrolysis and production of Hydrogen gas will proceed at a very slow rate, certainly not fast enough to power an automobile.

So then, why does Agha Khan want to use distilled water even when salt water would be a much better candidate for electrolysis?

In summary, according to our known laws of physics, the energy consumed (during electrolysis) to break the covalent bonds of H2O molecules is always greater than the energy produced at the combustion of Hydrogen. Consequentially, the Electrolysis kit will always be acting as a permanent load that is constantly draining more energy than it can provide.

All things set aside, if Agha Waqar Khan has really found a violation to the Laws of Thermodynamics then his contributions truly merit a Nobel prize in Physics.